Cardamom oleoresin is obtained from the dried cardamom pods. The greenish to brown semi solid liquid has a great potential to become prime ingredient for not only as food preservative but also flavor enhancer. The oleoresin is full with triglyceride and steroid components. It is non-toxic, non-irritant and nonsensitizing.
Cardamom, Cardomomi, Musore
Volatile oil content: 14% Chemical compounds: Alpha Terpinyl Acetate, Cineol, Linalol, Linalyl Acetate and Limonene
Extensively used as a domestic spice, especially in India, Europe, Latin America and Middle Eastern countries. The oleoresin is employed in some carminative, stomachic and laxative preparations. Widely used as a fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes especially oriental types. Important flavor ingredient particularly in curry and spice products.