Coming in Yellow Orange shade, it has strength of 2.0% Bixin and is a natural food colorant obtained from the seeds of the Bixa Orella tree. The pigments that produce this yellow to orange color range are carotenoids, bixin and norbixin. The concentration of color is expressed as a percentage of these compounds where content varies with extraction method. For processing, fruits are dried & then seeds extracted from them are crushed.
Urucum, colorau, achiote or bija, Bixa, atsuete, bixin, butter colour or rocou.
Turmeric or paprika oleoresin.
Annatto vegetable oil, propylene glycol, mono-& glycerides, potassium hydroxide, Bixin (Fat soluble part -70-80% ), norbixin (water soluble part), Propyline Glycol.
It finds extensive usage as a constituent in Ice Creams, Margarine, Cheese, Yogurt and other dairy and food products. Other than this, it is also used in many cheeses like Cheddar, Red Leicester, Brie as well as in margarine, butter, rice, smoked fish & custard powder. It is also used as commercial food coloring and dye.