Anatto Extract 1% Bixin comes in a yellow orange shade. A natural food colorant obtained from seeds of Bixa Orella , the concentration of color is expressed as percentage of carotenoids, bixin & norbixin compounds. Further, pH, emulsifiers & overall solubility also affect the hue. It finds application as a color additive in oils, butter, margarines, fat based systems, processed cheese and others.
Urucum, colorau, achiote or bija, Bixa, atsuete, bixin, butter colour or rocou.
Turmeric or paprika oleoresin.
Annatto vegetable oil, propylene glycol, mono-& glycerides, potassium hydroxide, Bixin (Fat soluble part -70-80% ), norbixin (water soluble part), Propyline Glycol.
Used as a commercial food colouring and dye agent, it is used as color additive in butter, oils, margarines, fat based systems & others. Further, it is also used for other dairy produce as well as baked goods. It is also used as dye fabric as well as to color food products like margarine and cheese.