Anise Oil offered is a dainty, white-flowered urnbelliferous annual that is about 18 inches high and has secondary feather-like leaflets of bright green color. The oil is distilled from the fruit part where that yields on distillation is from 2.5 to 3.5 percent of fragrant, syrupy and volatile oil in which anethol, the principal aromatic constituent is present to about 90 per cent.
Karanja Seed Oil, Karanj Oil.
Rose, orange, lavender, spicy essentials, Sassafras and Carbolic oil.
Anethol (present to about 90 per cent), fixed oil, sugar, choline and mucilage,Anethole.
Anise oil is used in treatment of bronchitis, coughs, colds, flatulence, muscle aches, flu and rheumatism. It is also a good antiseptic and used, mixed with oil of Peppermint or Gaultheria (Wintergreen) to flavour aromatic liquids. Further, oil of Anise is also used also against insects especially when mixed with Sassafras and Carbolic oil.