Champaca white is a beautiful subtropical tree with gorgeous and deep fragrance flowers. The flower extract is a primary ingredient and is used in few of world’s most expensive perfumes. It also has good antimicrobial properties and is also known for its antioxidant moderate effect character. Available in form of dark olive yellow to brown little viscous liquid, it is used in perfumery industry as well as in aromatherapy applications like in Aroma lamp, bath and as a diffuser.
Champaca Flower, Frangipani, Champa, Champak Sapu.
ylang-ylang, Michelia longifolia, nerol (m. p. of the diphenyl urethane 50 to 50,5°), cineol (m. p. of the iodol compound 112 to 114°), p-cresol methylether, benzaldehyde, aldehyde.
Alcohol, 62% Linalool, beta-elemene, beta-caryophyllene, methyl eugenol.
Owing to its exotic and beautiful fragrance, the flower extract is used as a primary ingredient in various most expensive perfumes of the world. It finds application in aroma lamp, bath, diffuser, inhaler, light bulb ring, massage, mist spray, perfumery applications and others.